Eleven months of continuous growth for San Javier Airport

San Javier airport employees determined to battle on.

San Javier airport has now recorded 11 consecutive months of growth, according to figures produced last week Aena.

Buoyed by a strong throughput of tourists, the airport, during the course of 2017, has increased its activity by 10%, two points above the national average according to Aena Chairman, Jose Manuel Vargas

During August, the airport also recorded an increase in the number of operations of 4.1%, also higher than the average of the state network.

Between January and August San Javier registered 841,049 passengers, putting it in line to exceed the million passenger mark by the end of the year. There have been 6,063 take-off and landing operations, an increase of 4.4%.

During the month of August, the airport increased its activity by 7.2% with 155,202 passengers, the great majority of which were British tourists. That month there were 1,041 flights, an average of 33 take-off and landing operations each day.

This situation contrasts with the fall that it experienced in previous years during the summer months, which was not congenial to the pull of the tourist sector and the traffic at the nearby Alicante airport.

The profitability of the facilities in San Javier are superior to those of other Aena operated terminals when compared with the number of flights which puts the airport in 19th position in the network, out of a total of 48.

However, it drops to 29th place when comparing the number of operations. At the national level, airports recorded more than 27.4 million passengers in August, an increase of 6.2%.

The Adolfo Suárez-Madrid Barajas terminal was first, with more than 4.95 million, followed closely by Barcelona-El Prat with more than 4.94 million. Alicante-Elche was positioned in fifth, with 1.6 million and an increase of 11.7%.