Cars, homes, and roads battered by Spanish hailstorm


The northern Spanish town of Grado in Asturias has been battered by hailstorms causing extensive damage to cars, homes, and roads in and around the local town.

Hailstones rained down for around five minutes casing windows to be broken and roada to be damaged over the weekend. Reside ts living in the town had to duck and dive for cover in order to protect their own safety.

More than 10.000 properties were left with considerable damage. Windows were broken and roads damaged during a huge hailstorm and one of the worst weekends of weather in Spain this year.

AEMET have announced an orange alert, the second highest grade, in four provinces and have warned of more wet weather to come.

The biggest hailstones were 15 centimetres. They weighed more than 0.5 kilograms.

More flash floods are expected in Northern Spain over the next few days and local authorities are preparing for the downfalls.