Lifestyle changes that help to cut the risk of type 2 diabetes

Lifestyle changes that help to cut the risk of type 2 diabetes
Lifestyle changes that help to cut the risk of type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes affects approximately 3.5 million people in the UK and some 30 million people in the USA. It’s thought to cost around £20bn per year in the UK and almost $300bn in the USA in direct and indirect costs – an incredible amount of money when one considers that the condition is largely a result of lifestyle and environmental choices.

Type 2 diabetes is a late event. It can take a long time for the body to develop the condition. It is considered by many to be a dietary illness which is partially true as diet is a major contributor. However, other factors such as poor sleep, inadequate and inappropriate physical activity, as well as long-term stress are also important factors.

Tyep 2 diabetes is caused by insulin resistance. Insulin is an important hormone which is secreted by the body in order to control blood sugar levels. When a person has good health, insulin is released into the blood stream. It enters into the cells and brings blood sugar levels down. When a person has poor health, the cells become resistant to insulin and it cannot enter them so easily. As a result the body tries to release more insulin in order to keep the blood sugar levels under control. When insulin cannot keep the blood sugar levels under control, a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes is given.

In order to treat type 2 diabetes naturally, therefore, there are 4 main areas of concern: nutrition, exercise, sleep, and stress. Treating these 4 areas of concern will contribute to improving insulin resistance.


The main change to nutrition should be to cut out processed junk food and refined carbohydrates because the body cannot efficiently process foods which quickly convert to sugar and cause an insulin spike. Sugary breakfast cereals, which rice, bread and other simple carbohydrates should be replaced with healthy, natural fats such as nuts, seeds, olives, and avocados which do not cause an insulin spike, and healthy proteins such as salmon.

Exercise and Stress

A busy, hectic lifestyle and saps the body of energy. Efficient exercise and some downtime is needed in order to allow the body to rejuvenate and lower cortisol levels.


A lack of sleep results in exhaustion and can cause insulin resistance. All electronic devices should be switched off an hour before sleep so as to allow the brain to prepare itself for a good night of rest.

Addressing these four areas of health are all important in preventing the onset of type 2 diabetes.

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