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Tag: Los Montesinos

Robbers strike as ATM cash machine stolen again in la Herrada Los Montesinos

By Andrew Atkinson Lightning has struck twice with an ATM cash machine stolen overnight outside the CC Monte La Herrada bar in Los Montesinos on...


One of Europe's former top music venues for sale - 7 years after forced closure By Andrew Atkinson EXCLUSIVE ONE of Europe's most popular former...

Montesinos suffer 10 Coronavirus positives in last 14 days

By Andrew Atkinson The Conselleria de Sanitat de la Generalitat Valenciana notified on October 30 on its official website an increase of 10 positives for...

Montesinos 2020 Patron Festivities

 'A concise programme has been adapted, due to COVID-19 health circumstances' - Mayor Jose Butron By Andrew Atkinson The 2020 cancellation of the annual October...

School of Music and Culture Montesinos stage ‘Tarzan’ & Orchestra Sinfonica de Alicante

By Andrew Atkinson The auditorium of School of Music and Culture Los Montesinos staged 'Tarzan' with a limited number of people in attendance, due to...


Emergency Failure: 112 System Collapse Leaves Murcia Vulnerable During Storms

The opposition parties PSOE, Vox, and Podemos have demanded...

Valencian Government Launches Inspection Plan for 885 Flood-Affected Basements

The Generalitat Valenciana has initiated a comprehensive inspection plan...

Smiling Jack’s Golf Society – A Lucky Escape from the Rain!

Despite a gloomy forecast and a week of heavy...

Strong Winds Challenge Inbetweeners at Bonalba

The Inbetweeners Golf Society held their away game at...