Twelve days and twelve nights, almost without a rest, hundreds of volunteers, friends, neighbours, local residents, many of them ex pats, have continued to...
Henry Alejandro Jiménez is a young person who went missing between Christmas 2018 and New Year 2019. He was 20 years old when he left a friends house after an all night party. He was wearing only light clothing, grey sweatpants and a yellow sweater.
Henry Alejandro Jiménez Marín was last seen in a bar on Cabo Roig strip on 01 January 2019. He had left his home earlier that day without a wallet or any money.
Shortly after Henry was reported missing, search parties began searching the Orihuela-Costa and surrounding areas with helicopters, Civil Protection, local civilian volunteers and the Guardia Civil.
Henry is 1.81 cm tall, he has curly brown hair and wears a tattoo on his right forearm featuring the face of a tiger. Anyone with any information about his whereabouts is asked to call in confidence 062 or 112.