
Pressure Mounting to Move the Torrevieja May Fair to a Suitable Location

Having this year celebrated the Torrevieja May Fair with the smallest number of booths ever, the socialist municipal group of Torrevieja will present a...

Cat Carers Denounce Torrevieja Town Hall for Illegally Attempting to Irradicate Protected Cat Colonies

The Asociación Somos La Voz de los Gatos has denounced Torrevieja town hall for acting, they believe, illegally in attempting to irradicate feline colonies...

Torrevieja Makes the UK Press – and not in a good way!

This week, the UK mainstream media has been awash with reports about Torrevieja, stories making the likes of The Mirror, The Star, GB News,...

Elite Unit of the National Police visit Mojacar

Mojácar was the meeting point for a group of retired members of the elite unit of the Spanish National Police, more popularly known as...

Improvement to Mojácar’s Municipal Playgrounds

Mojácar Council has put out to tender the supply and installation of sails for the creation of shaded areas in the Cuerva del Lobo,...


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