Costa Blanca

Torrevieja RBL St David’s Day Celebrations

The Welsh contingent of the Royal British Legion once again celebrated at Harry’s bar in Quesada where the chef had prepared a wonderful 3...

Barnes-storming performance at Hondon Mr and Mrs.

Several new members were welcomed at the recent meeting of the Hondón Valley Branch and following the short formal part, a social time was...

Compostela proves one Giant Step…..for Steve and Dave

Steve Howarth and Dave Coupe, two members of the Portobello Walking Football Team based in Campoverde, will be walking the Camino De Santiago De...

Shoddy Torry Disappoint In Rain Soaked Defeat

CD TORREVIEJA - 1   PINOSO CF - 2 By STEVE HIBBERD Oh dear, oh dear, 2 steps forward and 1 step back, I fear!!  After 2...

Free Benefit Assistance offered by Local Charities advises Care Group

Founded by HELP Vega Baja, the CARE Group of Torrevieja brings together charities and other organisations such as social services within the Vega Baja...


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