Saurines de la Torre – a desert-style course they say…. well, it certainly wasn’t desert-like with the day starting in torrential rain, prompting wet weather gear and umbrellas being hastily dusted off and utilised to their fullest degree!  However, the camaraderie and spirit of the society shone through despite the weather (and course) challenges.

Another 48 avid golfers set off in varying degrees of being soaked.  It dried up but the clouds threatened and released their fury a couple of times more during the round.

The course was in very good shape with super-fast greens.  It was necessary to hit your spot, otherwise with the undulations and slopes one’s ball soon disappeared!  There was a fair bit of surface water in lower areas and bunkers.

Despite the challenging start, members and guests enjoyed the day, showcasing resilience and enthusiasm for the game. Overall, it was a successful event with valuable lessons learned for future outings (pack dry clothes….).

There were some good (and some not so good – you know who you are “Captain”) scores: with the best of the day coming from Steve Webb (38 points).

Gold: Stuart Tosh (pic. middle) 33 points
Silver: Steve Webb (pic. 2nd right) 38 points and best score of the day
Bronze: Carmel McCann (pic. 2nd left) 36 points

A Two was secured by Guy Wade-Palmer (again this week!) and Humphrey Kelleher (our resident author) winning the all-important cash from the Twos Pot.  And Nearest the Pins winning a sleeve of balls each were Richard Whitely, Dave Smith, Steve Webb, Guy Wade-Palmer.  Our best guest, also winning a sleeve of balls, was Colin Fawcett.  We had a happy John Osborne (he of Galaxy Golf fame) winning the football card with his favourite Wolves beneath that silver scratchy bit.

An enjoyable day was had by most with a few frustrated golfers heading home with the next outing to Altaona looming already – a fairly new course on the society’s list.

Winners pictured with Lee Eastman (Captain, far right holding his “loser’s wine”) and Darren Strugnell (President, far left).