Mojácar Mayor, Francisco García Cerdá, accompanied by the Education Councillor, Noemí Linares, met on Monday with the town’s CEIP infants and primary school headmaster, Antonio Garrido, the Bartolomé Flores school AMPA Parents’ Association President, Paloma Ramos, and the Governing Board.
The reason for the meeting centred on an initial contact between the Local Council and the school for the drafting of a CEIP maintenance and improvement plan for the coming years.
For their part, the local Mayor and the Education Councillor informed both the headmaster and the AMPA members about the investments already planned for this 2023 municipal financial year. As well as the general maintenance of all the facilities, this involves two specific actions, such as cementing the whole of the school’s playground floor, for an amount of nearly 12,000 euros, and the refurbishment of the library terrace for its use, which represents another item of approximately 6,000 euros.
In this initial contact, Francisco García Cerdá expressed his willingness to remain open to the proposals made to him in regard to the maintenance and modernisation of the centre, and his commitment so that the coming years’ investments are programmed and carried out on the basis of the requests made, both by the headmaster himself and by the AMPA governing board by virtue of the needs which arise over the school years. A budgetary item that will be maintained for the next four years, apart from the general maintenance.
The meeting, held at the Bartolomé Flores centre itself, also served for the Mayor and Education Councillor, as well as those present at this first contact, to make an exhaustive visit to the centre and to see first-hand all the facilities.