28 immigrants intercepted in Santa Pola and Torrevieja


  • Red Cross provides social and health assistance to 28 migrants, including a woman and her six-year-old son

Twenty-eight immigrants have been intercepted on two boats intercepted in Santa Pola and Torrevieja. Among those rescued is a woman and her six-year-old son. All have now been transferred to the Temporary Care Centre for Foreigners (CATE) in the port of Alicante, where the Red Cross provided them with social and health assistance before responsibility for their care falls under the wing of the National Police.

The Santa Pola boat was initially located by a Maritime Rescue helicopter with its 17 occupants rescued by Salvamar Leo, based in Alicante. Around midnight they arrived at the Alicante port where they were assisted by the Red Cross. All are said to be in good health, as reported by the Red Cross.

The boat in Torrevieja arrived shortly after seven on Tuesday morning with the eleven occupants disembarking in the Cabo Cervera area. The migrants headed into the urban area where they were arrested by the Local Police, in the vicinity of Avenida de la Mancha.

They were transferred to the Torrevieja Civil Guard barracks and from there they will be taken to the CATE in the port of Alicante.