Garden Felix – Exotic Angel’s Trumpet!


Brugmansia is an exotic, long lived, small tropical tree in the family Solanaceae, more  commonly called Angel’s Trumpet.

Producing dramatic pendant, trumpet or funnel shaped fragrant flowers, up to 30ft when grown in the ground, adapting well to containers,  where the plants remain a much more manageable size.

Individual blooms can range from 4-24″ in length, depending on the cultivar.

They come in many shades of white, yellow, gold, orange, peach and pink in singles, doubles, triples, and quadruples – and a few shredded forms.

Their fragrance varies considerably, with intensity ranging from none to overpowering.

The intoxicating fragrance, described as musk, lemon, mint, lily, hyacinth, citrus, jasmine and gardenia, is most noticeable on warm summer evenings.

Position in full sun, with some afternoon shade, and they will continue to flower year round.

Water only as necessary, to keep the soil barely moist. Leaves will droop, when it needs watering and will quickly recover, once watered.

In Spring you can prune, hard if necessary, which will encourage bushy growth, shape the plant, or limit size.

Easily propagated from stem cuttings, which are rooted in water, or in damp sand. Use semi-ripe wood stems that have begun to change colour from green to brown, the diameter of a finger and 6-8″ long.

Cuttings can be taken any time the plant is actively growing; any part of the trunk or branches can be used.

Brugmansia is a very heavy feeder and should be fertilised regularly, maybe as often as twice a week during the growing season.  The more food you give it, the more flowers it will produce.