Drop in number of UK pensioners living in Spain

Quesada Bowls Club by Suzie Cooper
Quesada Bowls Club by Suzie Cooper

By Andrew Atkinson

The number of UK pensioners living in Spain has fallen – in the wake of Brexit – as Britain came out of the European Union on January 31.

Figures show that Spain is amongst countries where the numbers of UK pensioners have dropped, in this case by almost 2,000.

Figures published reveal a drop of 1,900 expats living abroad in the last five years, falling to a low of 466,920.

Spain has seen the largest fall of UK pensioners, with the number of retired expats falling by 1,590 to 105,206, accounting for 80% of 2019 total fall.

One third of all UK expatriates in Spain are over the age of 65, and one finger has been pointed to the access of Healthcare as a cause of concern.

UK pensioners living in European Union (EU) countries has fallen to its lowest level in five years, according to figures from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).

The fall comes on the back of Brexit – and the boom years of the noughties when scores of UK migrants arrived in Spain.

UK expat pensioners in Italy have seen a fall of 1,218. Cyprus has seen a drop of 765, underlined by future Healthcare costs in Europe remaining uncertain.

Despite doubt the transition period following the departure of the UK from the EU, ensures that expats living in the EU can be reassured and that their state pension payments remain secure – at present.

State pension will continue to increase for those living in the European Economic Area (EEA), Gibraltar, Switzerland or countries that have a social security agreement with the UK (excluding Canada or New Zealand).

Pension questions should be put to the International Pension Centre (IPC) who will provide assistance.

The IPC can be contacted by email, telephone or using an online enquiry form (details online).

After leaving the EU on January 31 UK citizens in Spain still currently have access to free Healthcare, under an EU agreement, with Spain and the UK having a reciprocal agreement, at least until the end of 2020.

Reciprocal talks with the UK and Spain will continue during the next 11 months.