Mojácar Local Police host workshop with Government Director of  Gender Violence Unit

Mojácar Local Police host workshop with Government Director of  Gender Violence Unit
Mojácar Local Police host workshop with Government Director of  Gender Violence Unit

Mojácar’s Local Police Force, who are fully involved in the VioGen programme which both monitors and protects victims of gender violence, recently hosted a Technical Committee workshop in the town.  Also present were; Raquel Contreras, Head of the Government’s Gender Violence Unit, Emmanuel Agüero, local Councillor for Citizen Security and members of the Guardia Civil.

VioGen was created in 2007 by the Interior Ministry’s Secretary of State for Security and, is a comprehensive system to monitor this type of violence with an extensive plan of protection measures.

The workshop, which is held annually, looked closely at the work that is being carried out in Mojácar on risk level assessment as well as how the cases of any victims and minors are followed up. Above all the overall aim is to offer increased protection and assistance to those people that are having to face this problem.

          The Mojácar Police Force is fully integrated into the Gender Violence Monitoring System and, is the only one in Andalucía with the training to confront and deal with these problems at every level of the very highest risk presented.

Mojácar was also the first Force in Almería province to create a specialized gender violence unit, with their efforts to date setting an example at both provincial and national levels.  Their concerned help for the people of the town by carrying out this important work with professionalism and commitment, which is not a usual part of their day to day operations, protects the victims whilst offering them advice.

Due to their efforts and dedication they have been deservedly presented with the Menina Award by the Andalucían Government for their collaboration in the eradication of any form of violence against women, minors or any other type of gender violence.

          Other related matters discussed at this VioGen annual meeting included prevention and awareness raising actions, particularly amongst the young people and parents completing programmes, which all have the involvement and support of Mojácar Council’s Departments and Councillors.