Decapitated driver identified by tattoos

Driver decapitated in La Manga traffic accident
Driver decapitated in La Manga traffic accident

Little was known about him when the police finished cleaning up the body following the fatal accident that left a young man with his body crushed under his car on the tarmac of the Gran Vía de La Manga in the early hours of last Sunday morning

The local police had little to go on other than the Polish registration plates of the Mazda car that the victim had been driving. He carried no means of identification and there was nothing within the car that provided any clue to his identity. Neither did he have any criminal record.

Initially the police made contact with the Polish Embassy which they followed up with a set of fingerprints.

However following the extensive reporting of the accident the following day a number of his former colleagues made contact with the police and were able to identify their friend by the photographs of his tattoos.

They identified him as 26 year old JLD who lived in the north of La Manga where he had been since arriving on holiday last summer. They said he was actively looking for work and was hoping to stay in the area once he had found a job.

Although the police can’t say that the vehicle was travelling at an excessive speed the victim wasn’t wearing a seat belt with his body ejected through the open side window. His head was shattered in the process ripping away a large part of his skull.

The autopsy is still to be carried out although when it is the police say that it will show if he had consumed alcohol or any other substances.