Pet owners report animal poisoning in Santa Pola

Owners with their pets in the «Caleta dels Gossets» in Santa Pola.

The Association of Pet Owners of Santa Pola and Gran Alacant (Aspetga) has warned of the premeditated poisoning of animals in the fishing village. Specifically, they warn of the recent deaths of two dogs in the last week in ​​the sierra, in the area of Pintor Sorolla.

The owners of the dogs say that the animals consumed some kind of poison whilst they were being exercised in the area and, after taking them to the veterinary clinic, they were told that the dogs had been poisoned. Despite the vets trying to save the lives of the animals they were unable to do so.

Together with the Aspetga association a number of local residents have now started a petition in several establishments in and around the fishing village, requesting that the City Council take measures to find the culprits and to ensure that it doesn’t happen again.

“To tell us that there is no money and that there are other priorities is no excuse, time passes and Santa Pola still does not have its canine park,” said the association spokesperson Rosa Garcia.

The association also denounced the problems that the poison can cause, not only to animals but also to the people who run in ​​the mountains, and to children who are often taken to he area by their parents to relax and to play.

She also warned of the poisoning of seagulls. “We have two protected species of gulls in the area; It goes without saying that threats to either of these species would be considered a very serious crime and the culprit would face a severe penalty.”