The Deadwood Stage Company



Still alive and kicking and after a successful production of “Granma Mia” at the end of May, a well deserved rest was enjoyed. Now the members are preparing their autumn programme under the experienced direction of David Whitney.

Great fun is envisaged when the next show is finally cast but there are still a couple of characters needed to complete the storyline. Why not join members on a Wednesday afternoon at 3.00 till 5.00p.m. at The Porter House Bar at the Rioja centre near Dial Prix on the way to Villa Martin and see if you’re just what they’re looking for.

We want to welcome new members in whatever capacity. If you don’t act now, who knows what might happen in the future. Can you help with backstage requirements, wardrobe, ticket sales, sound and lighting etc. etc.

Further information can be obtained from the Secretary, Mrs Vida Nelson on  966 77 4127