
Consell demands subsidies on motorway tolls.

Until such time as the tolls are removed from the AP-7 in January 2020 the Generalitat has told the Government that drivers across the...

Average wait of 107 days for operation

The Conselleria of Public Health has published details of average surgical waiting lists in the Valencian Community showing that during the month of June...

Mar Menor complaints actioned within 48 hours

On Monday the Minister of Tourism, Culture and Environment, Javier Celdrán, chaired the second meeting of the Committee of Social Participation of the Mar...

Ambassador criticises fraudulent hotel claims

British Ambassador to Spain, Simon Manley recently wrote to key stakeholders in the Spanish tourism industry informing them of the steps taken by the...

Seventy Spanish virgins descend on Valencia

Earlier this week 70 consecrated virgins from all over Spain, from a wide variety of life circumstances and ranging in age from their mid-20s...


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