
Scorching heat and record temperatures in parts of the Spanish Costas

Alicante-Elche Airport has reported its warmest night since records began 50 years ago. Official data from AEMET has shown that the August 2015 high...

Iran-UK Immigration ring smashed by Spanish Police

Spain’s National Police have smashed a major international network trafficking people between Iran and the United Kingdom. The network was based in Malaga, where the...

Renew it or lose your free healthcare!

If your Padrón is not up to date you could lose your entitlement to free healthcare The Orihuela councillor for International Residents, Sofia Álvarez, together...

Police target illegal rentals

The regional secretary of Tourism, Francesc Colomer, said last week that the Valencian Tourism Agency is putting in place a system to control illegal...

AEMET publish alert for high temperatures for the south of Alicante province

The state weather agency, AEMET, has published an alert for high temperatures for the south of Alicante province. The heat warning runs from 13.00 to...


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