
Registrations for children’s summer school opens in Orihuela

Summer Schools will open for Orihuela’s children on June 29 with the office open for registrations from Thursday, June 18 to Friday, June 26,...

High season brings 44 new staff to the street cleaning workforce

Orihuela council has recruited 44 new staff to reinforce the municipal technical service during the high season who will be assigned to the Orihuela...

Anti-corruption revive investigation into payments of Orihuela Mayor

Once again the allegations of corruption surrounding the Orihuela mayor, Emilio Bascuñana, when he worked an advisor to the Ministry of Health, between 2007...

Brugal waste contract trial sees all 34 defendants acquitted

Prevarication, fraud, bribery, influence peddling, extortion, coercion, illegal association, use of privileged information and electoral crime, just some of the charges brought against...

Local activist and a thorn in the side of Orihuela’s politicians

One person who has done more than most to ensure that the many deficiencies of the Orihuela Costa remain constantly in public view is...


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