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You can’t be Serious – The card is the new king …

‘The king is dead – long live the king!’ Cash used to be king, but like all reigns, the king eventually died and was...

My London Marathon By John McGregor

‘Go on ‘Shell, you can do it gal!’. I looked round behind me, and realised with horror she was slowly gaining on me. The...

Is the Blame Game Politically Correct? by David Aitken

It seems the man in the street must now be referred to as "the average person."  That doesn't apply to me and you, of...

We Are All Victims of Fashion Now and Then

By David Aitken The Italian film director Frederico Fellini, when asked about his work, said "Don't tell me what I'm doing, I don't want to know!" ...

You Can’t Be Serious – ‘Don’t cut off your nose to spite your face …’

A ‘friend of a friend’ down in Kerry, watched this year’s All Ireland Football Final on TV - as his beloved Kingdom chalked up...
