
Slight reduction in numbers of new deaths and infections on Thursday

Although a slight reduction from the previous two days, the coronavirus pandemic continues to devastate Spain as it has added a further 728 people...

Amir Khan: Coronavirus is a man-made thing to control the population

In his home town of Bolton, Amir Khan, the former light-welterweight world champion has offered his £5million venue to the NHS to help fight...

Madrid’s Easter exodus to the Valencian coast

The Police have intensified the controls to prevent people from escaping the confinement in Madrid to go to the second homes on the Valencian...

Civil Guard closes unauthorised Torrevieja bar and gymnasium

Following complaints from several residents Guardia agents, have found a bar in the town that continued to run its hospitality business, clandestinely, letting customers...

Gmail collapses with thousands of users going hours without email

This Wednesday, Gmail users have been reporting problems with the Gmail stating that their inboxes were not accept new emails, although they were still...


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