
10 Things to Consider When Purchasing a Commercial Property

If you’re looking to buy a commercial property, there are plenty of things to keep in mind before you decide to jump in with...

New Booking app for Torrevieja Sports City

The Councillor for Sports, Diana Box, announces that from today, April 9, 2021, a new mobile application for the reservation of sports facilities is available. It is a pioneering application as it is available in 11 languages ​​(English, Russian, Arabic, Chinese, French, Italian, German, Valencian, Catalan, Basque and Galician), and is fully accessible. The Torrevieja …

The post New App for Booking Sports Facilities first appeared on This Is Torrevieja.

Torrevieja declares war on Mosquitoes!

Abundant rain, around one hundred litres per square metre in March, an increase in temperatures, more insolation, and the arrival of spring. All are...

San Fulgencio company fined for dumping furniture.

The Local Police have issued a fine to the owner of a furniture company, for depositing a bed and a mattress by the bins...

Only 10 km from Benidorm and not a high rise in sight

Villages to visitBy Linda Bentley Isn’t it great that the Covid numbers have come down a lot and now allow us to more confidently get...
