Orba Warblers Golf Society Wednesday 12th December Alenda Golf

Orba Warblers Golf Society Wednesday 12th December Alenda Golf

Yet another brilliantly sunny day for the Warblers at Alenda Golf, the course was brilliantly presented, probably the best condition we have encountered this winter and a great deal at the price we paid.

Derek Gray led the group home with an excellent 38 points and a hefty cut for his trouble, Dave Knight came second with 36 points and third place was taken by Michael Morley with 35 who continues to play well despite poor health, the fourth slot went to the ever present Steve Smith with 34 points, no mean feat off 4.3. Fred Cooley and Michael Morley were our nearest the pin winners on the 3rd and 16th and they both managed “two’s” on the 3rd.

Just a quick reminder that the society AGM will be held at La Sella on Thursday the  24th January at 10.00, proposals and nominations should be with the Admin Secretary as soon as practicable. If you cannot make it to the Turkey Trot next week may I take this opportunity to wish you a very merry Christmas and all the best for the New Year.

Our first game of 2019 will be on Wednesday 9th January at La Sella with a first tee time of 08.48, so you need to be there for 08.00 to book in. We will be joined by Campbell Lamont who will be presenting the vouchers that he has donated to the society as prizes following the success of the summer league team.

Guests are always welcome with a current handicap certificate. To enter contact Michael on 639242896 or E mail him and the vice-captain.