Garden Felix – Anthurium – Flamingo flowers!


Anthurium is a plant that is generally an indoor plant- but grow well outdoors in warm climates such as on the Costa Blanca South.

Commonly called flamingo flowers, due to their unique distinctive tropical bright red heart-shaped waxy spathes, with red or yellow tail like flower spikes that constantly bloom for about six weeks, and may return flowering every few months.

They thrive in bright, indirect light, but do not like exposure to direct sunlight, except in the winter months.

Plant in well-draining soil, that should be kept slightly moist and never allowed to dry out completely.

It is recommended to use a high phosphorus weekly, weak liquid fertiliser throughout the growing period.

Many varieties are epiphytic in natural settings, which means they grow and climb on other plants, instead of in soil.  Should your plant fail to support itself, give it a stake or small trellis to climb on.

Potted anthuriums prefer a rich but well draining potting mix that should be kept moist, but not wet.

Remove any dying or wilting leaves and faded flowers by cutting them off at the base.

Shape your plant by snipping off any errant leaves or shoots that make the plant look off balance, but do not remove too many leaves; leave at least three or four on the plant.

You can propagate by air root or stem cuttings and also from seed; however, this way can take up to four years before you see any flowers.

Note: Anthurium is toxic to humans and pets.