Mojácar collaborates with the “Andalucía, Seas That Taste” Campaign


As part of the environmental awareness-raising campaign for the beaches, coastline and natural spaces launched this summer, Mojácar Council has joined the “Andalucía, Seas that Taste Good” promotional initiative carried out by the Junta’s Regional Ministry for Agriculture, Fishing, Water and Rural Development on the whole of the Andalucía coast and which has now landed in Mojácar.

An activity that has been held successfully on the Marina de la Torre, Venta del Bancal and Lance beaches on several days on which the campaign has not gone unnoticed, giving out promotional material and with interesting workshops aimed particularly at the very youngest, although numerous adults have joined in.

Workshops that try to raise awareness about the consumption of immature fish and rejecting their consumption; learning about the variety of species on the Almería coast, their morphology and anatomy through real fish: also learning about the dangers of the Anisakis parasite, with the possibility of being able to observe it through a microscope and without forgetting the exciting world of algae which are making a strong entry into our diet, as well as aquatic plants, among them Posidonia, of vital importance for the Mediterranean seabed. In general, raising awareness about the care of fishing grounds and coastal ecosystems that include all forms of life.

The aim is, in short, to promote the responsible consumption of fish and value their importance in the diet, at the same time as warning about the need to respect the minimum sizes permitted for consumption and rejecting the commercialization of immature fish.

With the support of Mojácar Council, bathers on Mojácar’s beaches have been able to learn from specialists in the field about the reality of our environment.

Sergio Alonso, Mojácar Council Environment Councillor, highlighted the relevance of these campaigns: “Environmental awareness is vital. We have to learn to consume responsibly in all spheres, but especially with marine resources”, the councillor stressed.

These days on the beaches of Mojácar, thanks to Mojácar Council, have managed to create, through activities, games and raffles, that we know better, and are therefore more sensitive to, sustainability, collaborating, alongside fishermen and all the related sectors, on the common purpose of caring for our seas.