More Waste and Neglect Highlighted in Torrevieja


The Los Verdes Equo-Compromís collaborating political group has denounced in a video made by a member of the environmental group the lack of control of the PP government team in the Torrevieja Council, specifically, with respect to the electrical installation that provides lighting for the complex of sports courts located next to the Avenida de Efrén Gutiérrez Mateo in the vicinity of the Secondary Education Institute No. 5 of Torrevieja, which are lit in broad daylight. The group has consulted local residents, specifically from Las Torretas, who have indicated that they have been there for about ten days.

Another aspect that is obvious in the recorded images is the lack of cleaning and conservation, with a large accumulation of plastic, glass, and metal containers, along with other elements and dirt in various points and corners of the tracks, which It also seems to be common.

The visit of this member of Verdes Equo – Compromís and also a resident of the area, seems to have motivated the reaction of some of those present, who possibly called the Council, which has led to the regularisation of the situation and the cutting of the electricity supply of the streetlights on the same day in the afternoon (Tuesday, June 18).

The group are obviously pleased that a solution has been found to this small problem and hope that the PP government team will be more diligent in the surveillance and control of public lighting in municipal facilities and infrastructure, as well as their cleaning and maintenance.

The ample absolute majority of the PP in the Torrevieja Council, which has 16 councillors out of a total of 25, its large salaries and the presence of the General Directors hired by hand to reinforce its management, at 100,000 euro per year, means neighbours may be more demanding when it comes to supervising municipal management and also when demanding solutions to problems that have been going on for years.

Limiting and reducing electricity consumption must be a constant in the management of public affairs and keeping its cleanliness a right of all its users. The reduction in electricity usage was a plan to reduce the reliance on Russian energy recently, but is also yet another environmental concern that goes unnoticed in Torrevieja, largely, presumably, due to the same problem that it exists beyond the perimeter of the urban centre, and the surrounding urbanisations are left neglected.

Verdes Equo – Compromís maintains intact its commitment to the residents of the entire municipality despite not currently having representation in the Torrevieja Council, this group closely follows current municipal politics and the evolution of the management of public services and citizens’ demands.