The PSOE of Torrevieja has thanked the Ministry of Transport and the Government of Spain for the announcement of the widening of much of the N-332 as it passes through Torrevieja.

Last Friday, Minister Óscar Puente finally announced the start of the procedures for the unfolding of a 4.21 km stretch of the 8 km route of the N-332, a project has appeared for years as one of the most important problems for the citizens of Torrevieja and even other municipalities.

For years, political representatives of all stripes have been demanding the unfolding of this stretch of highway, whose daily collapse in both directions causes discomfort and inconvenience among citizens.

However, the PSOE point out that the delay has been used as a weapon by the PP of Torrevieja during the years of socialist government in the nation, increasing in recent months, when the truth is that the delay has been mainly due to technical problems and even environmental impact, and the town hall themselves played a big part in that original delay.

Whereas the local PP group are critical of the PSOE in central Government, they also neglect to point out that no action was taken whilst their own party was in power in the country prior to the current administration.

Bárbara Soler, spokesperson for the PSOE of Torrevieja, has complained about the attitude of the local PP government team, “I consider that all public representatives, of any party, must be firm in our commitment and go hand in hand in these types of demands”.  Above all, says Soler, “I regret these attitudes because the technical problems derive above all from the fact that, at the time, the highway easements were not fully respected. That is to say, the Council, governed by the PP, allowed the space on the sides of the road through which the widening should now run to be occupied beyond what was due. The search for functional and viable solutions has meant a great delay in the project, together with the significant delay that occurred in the transfer of the land by the City Council.”

Incorrectly and illegally encouraging building on land which does not have the necessary permissions is still apparently a lesson not learnt by the local government team.

The socialist spokesperson did clarify that “we understand that the PP government team also” wants to convey her gratitude to Minister Óscar Puente and the Government of Spain. “Several months ago, the socialists began to collect information about the status of the project and to transmit our concern to many people who have collected it and made it their own. “Everyone has worked to make this possible.” In fact, Soler has indicated that they still have a meeting pending to discuss the status of the remaining 3.2 km that must be submitted to environmental impact consultation.

In this sense, Soler wanted to express his personal gratitude to Pere Rostoll, Director of Communication at the Ministry of Transport, “for indicating the channel to address the people responsible for this matter”, and to Senator Ana Martínez Zaragoza and the national deputy Alejandro Soler “for facilitating communication with the team of Marta Serrano Balbuena, General Secretary of Land Transportation.”

Bárbara Soler has concluded that the PSOE will continue working for the interests of Torrevieja and all Torrevieja residents.