Swedish fugitive arrested in Torrevieja


The National Police have arrested a fugitive in Torrevieja who is fleeing from Swedish justice. The man,  35 years of age and of Swedish Nationality, is the subject of a European Arrest and Extradition Order issued for a crime of drug trafficking and money laundering .

As police sources explained on Saturday, the fugitive was intercepted on public roads in Torrevieja where he was immediately detained, by agents from Group I of the Organized Crime unit

This individual also had a police record in Spain for drug trafficking . He had already been arrested in 2023, prior to the arrest warrant now issued by the Swedish authorities, where they have an imposed a sentence of six years in prison .

Once the procedures to be carried out as a detainee were completed, the man was handed over to the Central Court of Investigation of the National Court for his extradition back to Sweden.