Orihuela Costa resident Pearl Whatford went into Specsavers Ópticas in La Zenia to change her glasses for more modern ones, but got more than she’d bargained for.

During the routine eye test to determine her prescription, she was shocked to discover that when she closed her left eye, she had very little vision in the right eye. Despite not noticing any deterioration of her vision, or any other symptoms, 80-year-old Mrs Whatford was later diagnosed with a macular hole, a small gap in the centre of the retina in the area responsible for central and fine-detail vision[1]. Following surgery to repair the hole, her vision is now good and improving every day.

Optometrist Jade Rose was performing the eye test when this issue was revealed. “The patient came into the store, with no concerns about her vision. However, during the testing process, I asked her to close her left eye and she realized that her sight was quite poor in her right eye.”

“I was shocked”, stated Mrs Whatford, “I could not see the letters or anything at all on the test through the right eye, even though I hadn’t noticed any change in my vision.”

Further tests were performed which clearly demonstrated the macular problems, so Jade urgently referred Mrs Whatford to a specialist. She was seen the same day and received the diagnosis of a macular hole and was treated through surgery to repair the hole and replace the lens due to early stages of cataracts.

Mrs Whatford explains, “The treatment has been amazing from start to finish and I can’t thank the team at Specsavers Ópticas La Zenia and the Torrevieja hospital enough. Following the surgery, my vision is good and getting better every day. I don’t require any ongoing medication and they are not expecting any further deterioration to my vision.  I am so grateful to Jade and all the team at Specsavers for their help and advice – they’ve been brilliant!

To anyone who hasn’t had their eyes tested for a while I’d say please make sure you get your eyes tested regularly, whether you need glasses or not – it is so important. The specialists at Specsavers will check the health of your eye, as well as your prescription. In my case it was so important, as if I hadn’t had a diagnosis, it could have affected my other eye.”

Jade explains, “Macular holes are most common in women aged 60-80. In many cases of macular holes, you may notice blurred or distorted vision such as straight lines looking wavy and you could have trouble reading small print. At later stages you may see a black patch, or notice an area of your vision is blank. However, in some cases, as we can see with Pearl, the unaffected eye compensates for the other eye and patients don’t notice any changes in their vision – that’s why regular eye tests are so important.”

[1] https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/macular-hole/