Loles López opens Mojácar’s first residence for the elderly


  • The regional minister highlighted the Junta’s firm commitment to the elderly, which is demonstrated by the provision of 112 new places in the province


The Social Inclusion, Youth, Families and Equality regional minister, Loles López, has opened the Jardín de Mojácar residence for the elderly, the first of its kind in the Almería locality. Within the framework of the visit, the regional minister highlighted the 112 new places created by the Junta de Andalucía in the province for this group among the 1,500 put into service throughout Andalucía in 2023.


Accompanied by the local Mayor Francisco García and centre representatives, the regional minister was able to see first-hand the professionals’ good work and the quality of the services provided. In addition, she was able to talk with the users of this residence and exchange impressions about their stay.


“The Jardín de Mojácar residence shares with the regional ministry the backing for a care model centred on the person, and as its motto goes, ‘Warmth plus care equals quality,” said López, who congratulated the Local Council for making this centre a reality, municipally owned and managed by the entity Arquisocial.


The mayor stressed that it had been satisfying to be able to welcome the regional minister and show her first-hand the Jardines de Mojácar facilities. “For our government team, our elderly is one of the most important priorities and for whom we always work to obtain the best facilities and the best services,” continued the Mayor, who recalled that the residence was a necessity in the municipality, which is registering a progressive increase in the average age.


The residence director Ana García spoke along the same lines, praising the regional minister’s approach, thanking her for her visit, which “has made the residents so excited.” “After a great deal of effort, this residence is a reality and we work every day for the well-being of our senior citizens, who give a lot and deserve the best,” she stressed.


Last November, the Regional Ministry for Social Inclusion, Youth, Families and Equality gave accreditation for 60 places, subsidising the first eight. This centre, completely new, has individual and shared rooms and features such as a therapeutic kitchen or garden.


The drive for these eight subsidised places forms part of the 1,970-place expansion for people in a situation of dependency that the regional ministry carried out in 2023 (1,500 for the elderly, of which more than 1,200 are already occupied, and 490 for people with disabilities). Of this increase of 1,500 places in senior citizens, 112 correspond to Almería, and all of them are already occupied.


This increase in the public offer of places means redoubling the efforts that the Junta is making to improve the Andalucian dependency system, the largest in Spain. Since 2019, more than 4,500 new places have been created in Andalucía for people in a situation of dependency. In short, Juanma Moreno’s government has in five years multiplied by 16 the creation of new places.