Garden Felix – Spectacular Rosy Periwinkle!


Madagascar – the Rosy Periwinkle – (Catharantus roseus) is a spectacular plant used as a ground cover, or trailing accent that blooms prolifically.

Periwinkles starry flowers and glossy leaves characterise the plant. The flowers may be found in white, pink, and rosy purple.

It’s a plant that’s easy to care for, as its tolerant of many growing conditions, such as semi arid, hot, and sunny year-round, and where the soil is well-draining.

It will thrive in either partial shade or partial sun, but, the key is heat and dryness. It will produce the best and most prolific flowers when planted in poor soil.

In warm climates it will grow rapidly to a height of up to 61 cm, with a similar spread.

This easy to care for plant will self seed, but the most common method of establishment is through cuttings.

The biggest issue with Madagascar periwinkle care is overwatering, so apply infrequent supplemental water in only the hottest and driest periods. Heavy rains or excess irrigation can develop root rot.

Simply pinch off new stems to promote a bushier plant. Prune back the woody stems after the season has ended to improve the appearance and promote flowering.