Garden Felix – White asphodel – excellent drought tolerant plant


WHITE asphodel – Asphodelus albus – is widespread throughout the Mediterranean regions, as it’s an excellent drought tolerant plant to grow.

It thrives in a sunny position that must be well draining, as the fleshy roots are liable to rot in moisture retentive soil, and will bloom from late spring into early summer, giving early season colour to your garden.

The flower spike has many small white flowers that are star shaped, that open in succession from the bottom to top of the spike and each petal is subtly marked with brown veining down the centre.

Their long stamens give each flower a ‘whiskered’ appearance, protruding beyond the petals and tipped reddish orange.

If the summer is favourable, rounded reddish or purplish fruits follow the flower.

Once established it’s an easy to care for plant that re-grows year-after-year and needs virtually no care, apart from cutting back the dead growth once dormant.

Propagate either from seed, or by division during late winter.

Their blooms are attractive to all pollinating insects.

Note: Asphodel is toxic to humans and pets.