Almoradí Council takes preventive measures against possible rains


In view of the imminent autumn season and the possibility of adverse weather conditions, the Almoradí Council has carried out a series of preventive measures, the main objective of which is to mitigate any potential risk for the public, and to achieve this, efficiency and collaboration between all of the groups involved are being prioritised.

Throughout the summer, both the cleaning of the drainage pipes of the CV-91 and the AP-7 motorway have been carried out, as established in the Municipal Action Plan against the risk of floods, as well as all other areas that are susceptible to generating problems.

In addition to local work, Mayor María Gómez has asked the Segura Hydrographic Confederation for an exhaustive evaluation and cleaning of the riverbed as it passes through Almoradí, as well as the many ravines and boulevards within the municipal area.

The Almoradí Council is carrying out all these actions in order to anticipate and avoid future problems, guaranteeing the safety and well-being of residents to the best of their ability.