La Mata Walkway Project Complaint


Having hastily announced a number of long-awaited projects in Torrevieja in the last leg of the election campaign, it has been revealed this week that one of them, the work to renew the pedestrian pathways at La Mata, is facing controversy following a complaint from a rejected company.

The company Grupo Bertolín, whose offer was not evaluated, has expressed in a letter its desire to annul the minutes of the Contracting Committee of May 18, which awarded the work to the Orthem-Abala joint venture, for 3.9 million euro.

This week, the Council opened part of the contracting file for the La Mata promenade to public access and as can be seen in the State Contracting Platform, one company has already complained against the award.

If the complaint is upheld, the bidding process will have to start again, adding more delay to the much needed renovation work.