Torrevieja Parents Meet to Discuss School Building Structural Concerns


The parent´s associations representing pupils at the IES Libertas, CEIP Nuestra Señora Del Rosario and CEIP Ciudad Del Mar in Torrevieja, AMPAS, held an extraordinary meeting to discuss common problems which they feel are affecting the education of children in the municipality.

One of the reasons the meeting was convened was to respond to images published in different media, of the state of part of the building destined to become classrooms of the IES Libertas, AMPAS have wanted to transfer all information, collected so far, taking into account that this issue has been supervened by a large part of those affected, since in general there was a wide ignorance of this situation,  as seen during the meeting. The fundamental motivation of the meeting was to share the feelings of the parents who leave their sons and daughters in the Institute every day knowing that there is a great risk.

A meeting had previously been held with the Councillor for Education and the Director of Infrastructures in Torrevieja town hall. The parents were informed at that meeting that the Ministry of Education has authorised the town hall to present the technical report that  has existed since 2017, but modifying the economic report so that it adapts to the current market valuation prices, a task that the urban planning department undertakes to realign in a few days, this will allow the file to be initiated by early processing of the expense, while waiting for  the delegation of powers of the Ministry of Education, which was requested by Torrevieja town hall at the end of February 2023. The Council has therefore stated that it now expects that in September 2023 the works will begin.

The assessment provided by the Ministry has also been announced, from the responsible technician who visited the building this month. In the latest report, there is talk of 4 pillars when in the technical report of 2017 there were 18 with serious symptoms, and it is indicated that the building is in a condition to continue being used normally.

The convening AMPAS wanted to express that they are tired of the final settlement of such a serious problem which, in their opinion, has been delayed so long, to such an extent that there can be no reasonable confidence in the given deadlines and have also wanted to express that after six years of waiting for action and resolution by the Ministry of Education and the Torrevieja Council, and after analysing the risk that students, teachers and staff of the IES libertas run daily, they cannot stand still.

Therefore, it has been agreed at today’s meeting to propose a series of measures to act on behalf of the parents of the students of the IES libertas and also on behalf of the future students of the CEIP assigned to this institute, informing of the serious and worrying situation that since 2017 the IES suffers due to the state of the affected module in its structure.

The agreements adopted are as follows:

  • Request a building safety certificate from the Ministry of Education, in order that there is a  responsible technician, who can certify the habitability of the building.
  • Request permission from the Ministry of Education so that a specialist technician of the Ministry can enter, even an external technician to make a new updated report and assessing the current pathologies and not those of 2017, which they understand are more serious.
  • Request the Ministry of Education to carry out testing of the pillars in order to assess the real state of these pillars and the other constructive elements that support the building.
  • Request the Ministry of Education as an alternative measure to implement telematic education to IES Libertas or any other that does not involve the use of this building.
  • Request meetings with both those responsible for the Ministry and those of the Council of Torrevieja to obtain information, carry out the monitoring of the situation until the resolution of the ruinous state, to understand the present partners, the corresponding module of the IES Libertas, and proposal of solutions immediately.
  • Raise and call demonstrations, legally called by the AMPAS.

On the part of the attendees, it has been proposed to carry out mobilisations both at 8.00 in the morning at the door of IES Libertas, as well as those that may be necessary to give visibility to the actions. Something that is very lacking from the regional administrations.

In addition, it has been agreed to transfer all agreements, measures and actions to the media.