Garden Felix – Frangipani – sensational blooms!


Nothing evokes that tropical feeling quite like the Frangipani that will fill your garden with a wonderful sweet scent – from summer through to autumn!

Frangipanis are relatively small trees growing to about 5-6m in height, often becoming wide as they are tall.

Ideal for growing in your garden or container they grow best in a hot dry climate.

Most familiar in their white and yellow form, they also come in lots of tropical and sunset colours. Their blooms look sensational on the tree and as a cut flower.

Frangipanis are tough that can survive neglect, heat and drought, along with insect and pests attack!

Over-watering is a common mistake.  When in doubt, don’t water. A thirsty Frangipani will quickly recover; a plant afflicted with rotting roots, due to over-watering, can be difficult to salvage.

During the growing season, a once-weekly watering is sufficient, allow the soil to dry out slightly between waterings.

During the growing season, an application of liquid fish fertiliser and seaweed solution is beneficial. Do not fertilise during dormancy.

Frangipani bark is grey/green and scaly in appearance, with waxy petals.  Flowers appear in clusters at the end of branches; the centre is generally a different colour.

Be aware that a cut made on any part of the tree will exude a milky, sticky sap that is poisonous, to both humans and animals.

Easily propagated by taking a cutting a minimum of 10cm long; leave the cutting aside for at least five weeks, ideally in an upright position in a dry location.

Plant the cutting into a pot of well draining soil and stake it, so it will not move or fall, to help until roots develop.

Water once every few weeks, if the soil is dry, otherwise leave alone until new leaves appear.

Once roots develop carefully transplant to their final position, but not too deep, as roots may rot.