Torrevieja dangerous footpaths


Quote: ‘It has been a struggle for years. Complaints are useless. Doesn’t the mayor have eyes. Surely he can see the problems! It’s all sad’

A deluge of criticism has been made towards Torrevieja city Council in the wake of the ‘old foe’ of dangerous footpaths raising its head once again.

There has been a plethora of opinions surrounding complaints of pavements in Torrevieja, with footpaths and walkways raised tiles and manhole covers; also broken and missing tiles and paving slabs.

Criticism has been pointed towards mayor Eduardo Dolon and the complaints department.  It’s all sad,” said Carmen Maria Serrano Muñoz.

Maricarmen Schefle said: “You have to walk on the road, because on the pavements, they are dangerous. If you have little mobility the problems are immense.”

M José Coloma points out long term, dangerous footpaths that remain unkempt and that will cost the city Council financially with compensation costs.

“It will be more expensive, if a claim is made for a fall, or a sprain, due to the pavement being in poor condition, the outcome being the City Council will have to compensate you,” she said.

It is advised that when accidents occur register the incident with the police, and also get a reference number, if the emergency services are involved.

Maite Marco has flagged up potential damage to her property: “On Caballero de Rodas, on the street corner of Virgen de la Paloma there aren’t even tiles and a tree is nearby my house.”

Ana Vazquez Arroyo said: “There is a formal law, that you can take a video and send it to the appropriate office at the town hall.

If you are affected by any safety issues you can file a neighbourhood complaint with the city Council.

However, Pilar Garcia said: “With the voting campaign for municipal elections approaching, year-after-year they promise us the same thing.

“Then nothing is fulfilled.  It doesn’t matter who you vote for.”

Jon Andoni Pipiripipi said: “The state of pavements and roads is pitiful, especially for the elderly and disabled.

“They keep spending money on events – and nonsense – while the town rots!”.