Torrevieja Receives 7 Million Euro Grant from Valencia


The Official Gazette of the Generalitat Valenciana (DOGV) has published a resolution by which a total of 7,115,379 euro are granted to Torrevieja Council for the Aid Program for rehabilitation actions in residential environments, from the Recovery Plan, Transformation and Resilience with the Next Generation Funds of the European Union (EU).

The money will be distributed across the next few years, with 3,557,690 euro allocated for 2022, around 700,000 for the following 4 years, and 1.4 million in 2026.

For the execution of this Plan, 3 areas of action are analysed that meet the requirements regulating the aid programs in the field of residential rehabilitation and social housing of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan and which are the following:

Delimitation of Colonia San Esteban, delimitation of calles Torresal and Patricio Pérez, and delimitations of calles Urbano Arregui, Sorolla, Rafal, Solana, Guardamar, Doctor Gregorio Marañón, Doña Sinforosa, Santomera, Los Portalicos, San Miguel de Salinas, Santomera, Greco, Ribera, Ruben.

In addition, another 800,000 euro are allocated so that the council can set up a technical office to manage this important subsidy so that citizens, homeowners or associations of owners can go to present procedures regarding housing, building rehabilitation and urban regeneration, as well as to receive related information. In this office you can request aid to improve homes in terms of energy efficiency, installation of new energy systems, solar panels, insulation, renovation of facades and roofs, etc.

Lastly, it should be noted that 15% of the 7,115,379 euro in grants will go to urban rehabilitation (resurfacing, pedestrian itinerary, rearrangement of pavements, accessibility, etc.).