British Population in Spain Continues to Fall


The Institute of National Statistics (INE) has this week released their report looking at overall immigration and emigration in Spain for the first half of 2022.

Overall, the population of Spain increased by 182,141 people during the first half of the year and stood at 47,615,034 inhabitants. The growth was due to a positive migratory balance of 258,547 people, which offset a negative natural balance of 75,409 people.

In addition to the migratory flow, we can also see that there were 158,816 births in Spain in the first six months of this year, balanced out by 234,225 deaths recorded.

The main nationalities of foreign immigrants were Colombian (with 76,351 arrivals in Spain), Ukrainian (52,418) and Venezuelan (40,824).

In relative terms, the highest growth was for Ukrainian nationals (45.8%), Peru (20.1%) and Colombia (19.1%).

For its part, the most numerous emigrant nationalities were Romanian (with 20,511 departures), Moroccan (16,777) and the British (12,553).

The migratory balance of the population with foreign nationality was 258,306 people during the first half of 2022. This balance, which has been positive since 2015, was result of an immigration of 441,781 people and an emigration of 183,475.

When we look at the residents in Spain from the United Kingdom, we continue to see a drop in the population. On 1 January 2022, there were a total of 315,824 UK nationals living in Spain. On 1 July, that figure had dropped to 307,443, a reduction of 8,381, or a drop of 2.7%, when we balance arrivals and departures.