Torrevieja Hippy Market Reduction Denied by Local Government


The Los Verdes green party in Torrevieja have demanded “transparency” from the governing Partido Popular (PP) government, and to “stop using tactics typical of totalitarian regimes, such as blaming the opposition and distorting reality, to hide their true intentions”.

This is how they expressed themselves after the accusations made against them after the publication in the Spanish press of a report by the consistory’s industrial engineer, dated May 3, included in the request for public concession to the Generalitat Valenciana and approved on July 1 in the Government Board, in which it is recognised that the number of plots in use at the famous Hippy Market in the town will be reduced by 40%, from 162 to 100, in addition to the fact that each position will have one linear metre.

The Los Verdes want to know why the PP have not made the report public, “with great fanfare.”

For its part, the PP Government Team has “flatly” denied that it is considering a reduction in the number of street vendor stalls, pointing out that the news spread by Los Verdes is “false, tendentious and lacking in the slightest political decency”.

In addition, they clarify that “the economic justification has nothing to do with the project for the location of street vendors and the number of booths that will be installed in the new area of ​​the port.” According to the PP, a second report confirms that for the estimated calculation of income “it has been considered that the 162 positions with temporary opening would be equivalent to 100 positions with continuous opening every day of the year, without prejudice to the fact that the urbanisation of the area places the cited number of 162».

In this sense, they add, “It has been shown that the abolition of positions announced with great fanfare by the Los Verdes municipal group will not be carried out.” However, they affirm that “we have been working together with street vendors on a project to integrate their activity in the new port space and, at no time, neither before, nor now, nor in the future has the reduction in the number of street vendor stalls be considered.