Family doctors demand urgent measures from Valencia’s Minister of Health

Meeting of the forum of family doctors with the minister Ana Barceló
Meeting of the forum of family doctors with the minister Ana Barceló

  • They say that the situation in health centers is critical and they cannot wait for the plan due to be announced by Health.

The Forum of Primary Care Physicians of the Valencian Community (FOMAP-CV) has warned that Primary Care needs “urgent measures” to resolve the impending “collapse” of it’s services in health centers and warns the Ministry of Health that ” it cannot wait the implementation of the National Plan ” due to be introduced over two years, 2022-2023.

The spokesmen regret, after the meeting held on Tuesday with the Minister herself, that “they have been waiting for a very long time for the adoption of solutions and, once again, they are being delayed.”

Representatives of family doctors admit that “there have been some minor advances in the provision of healthcare”, but that the only response they receive from Health is “direction to the Primary and Community Care Plan 2022-2023, the content of which we simply do not know.”

With no involvement in drawing the plan up, they say they do not know the Primary Care model that is to be implemented, if replacements are foreseen, nor the role of doctors, paediatricians and other Primary Care professionals in any changes.

The Forum said that it has a “deep concern for the present and the future of Primary Care because today, patients and medical staff alike have no reasons to be hopeful”.

They emphasize that in health centers “we are living on the very edge. To the long-reported chronic problems for which we are still awaiting an effective responses is added the high physical and psychological exhaustion of family doctors and paediatricians, which is currently exacerbated by the Covid pandemic situation.”

After reinforcing to the Minister “the suffocating, exhausting and demotivating situation of the work carried out in Primary Care, that has now gone on for so long,” they said that “if far-reaching measures are not implemented very soon, the situation will inevitably lead to the collapse of Primary Care.”