Shiro Donate Helmet to Injured Biker


When an N332 follower had a crash on his motorbike, he found that his crash helmet was not adequate because it was not certified for use in Spain.

A lot of safety critical equipment must be homologised, and carry the appropriate credentials on a label. This standard is much like the British Kite Mark, and is a European scheme to ensure that items such as crash helmets are suitable for the purpose they are intended.

When the follower had a crash on his motorbike he sustained serious injuries to his head, which may well have been avoided in the helmet had been an approved type.

Because of the situation, N332 informed international crash helmet and glove manufacturer Shiro about the situation, and given their commitment to improving road safety, they donated a new crash helmet to the injured rider.

Members of N332 went to the rider´s house, along with representatives from Shiro, to present the rider with his new crash helmet, which carries the homologation code “05”.

Always check that your equipment, whether it is a crash helmet, gloves, warning triangles, child seat, or anything else that is safety critical, is suitable for use in Spain and carries an homologation code.