N332 Road Safety project commended by British Ambassador

Francisco with the British Ambassador, Simon Manley
Francisco with the British Ambassador, Simon Manley

The N332 Project Founder Francisco Morales was among the guests last week at the British Embassy in Madrid where he was invited to attend a party to celebrate the 93rd birthday of Queen Elizabeth II.

Francisco was invited in recognition of the work he has carried out in the area of road safety with the establishment of the N332 project which is dedicated to road safety in general and driving in Spain.

The project is aimed specifically at expatriates who both holiday and are resident in Spain where many of the national laws are very different to those that they are used to in their home nations.

The event was also attended by the Minister of Science, Innovation and Universities, Pedro Duque; the Secretary of State for Tourism, Isabel Maria Oliver; the Congressional spokesperson for Ciudadanos, Inés Arrimadas; and the Vice-President of Banco Santander, Matías Rodríguez-Inciarte.

During the event both the British Ambassador, Simon Manley and the Congressional spokesperson for Ciudadanos, Inés Arrimadas, commended the N332 project and the recognition that it has now achieved by the DGT, the Ministry of Transport in Spain.

If you belong to a local organisation that would like Francisco and his fellow project manager Mark Nolan to attend and speak at one of your events please contact Mark by email at: news@n332.es