Mojácar Youngsters Learn About Social Network Risks

Mojácar Youngsters Learn About Social Network Risks

The 3rd year students from Mojácar’s Rey Alabez Secondary School recently attended an educational talk given by Almería’s Youth Judge, Rafael Soriano Gruzmán, with the theme “The Mobile, a Weapon of War in the Hands of Minors.”

The session aimed to explain to the group of young people, aged between 14 and 15, the potential dangers of social networks which are are so popular with them, as well as the risks posed to their safety when not used properly.  

To prohibit its use is not a solution but, it is however necessary to teach them how to surf the internet responsibly and protect themselves against cyber bullying, whilst guarding their privacy.

Representatives from Mojácar’s Local Police were also on hand at the talk, along with Almería Council’s Levante South Director of Social Services and Mojácar’s Councillors for Education and Youth, Ana García and Raquel Belmonte.

Around 70 students listened carefully to the information and guidance given by the Judge and, the numerous questions that followed showed the many concerns that young people have surrounding the Internet and social networks which play such a huge part in their daily social life and communication with each other.

Mojácar’s Rey Alabez Secondary School, just like the Bartolomé Flores School for the younger children, has 24% of their pupils from other countries, spread across 22 different nationalities.  Internet use and social networks are the common denominators amongst them, although every effort is made to offer alternative leisure and integration activities such as sports or, environmental awareness through workshops like the eco-garden and recycling projects. 

Also, there are cultural events that unite them all together such as the cinema and chess workshops, all forming key elements to ensure the integration of young foreigners that complement language communication classes and the school library facilities on offer.