TPGS at the newly reformatted La Finca

TPGS at the newly reformatted La Finca

The now infamous TPGS ventured out to the newly reformatted La Finca [well 2 holes have changed playing order, causing mayhem amongst some of the mentally challenged members] The course was as usual immaculate, and as usual seemed to have more than its fair share of fly’s!

NTP”S where kindly sponsored by our spiritual home The Ale House, a fine establishment on the ground floor of Villamartin Plaza. The lucky recipients all receiving a €10 voucher well done Booby Singleton, Dennis Noble, Deadly Dave Lethaby and Troy the boy who won twice. The 2’s pot was shared amongst 3 players Andy Shaw, Lee McWilliamson and Graham O’Clarke a lovely €27 each.

Best guest on the day was Roberto McDowell hcap 9 with 27pts, and best Lady was  Deb Rose [ thanks for all your help young lady x ]   As usual we present a bottle of Delicious Gama’s Finest Reserve Vino to the player who struggled slightly and Gordy once again leapt into action with 12pts!

So into the main prizes Alan Farter came 3rd in the Silver Division 29pts, Darrell McRose 2nd 30pts, but big Phil Sully romped home with 31pts [nice to see a male member of the family in the frame for once!] The Gold Division was also closely fought out with Darren Temple coming 3rd with 34pts of 9 hcap, Billy Wilson 2nd with 35pts 12 hcap and Deadly Dave Lethaby breezing into top spot with a wonderful 37pts of 8 hcap.

Next Friday the 27th July we are at Vistabella with spaces going quicker than Troy on the way to the food table get your name down pronto at