Arenal Deportiva Ladies Night

Arenal Deportiva Ladies Night

Local Freemason’s Lodge, Arenal Deportiva, recently held their annual Ladies Night at the Salones El Canor in Teulada. This was a very successful affair with over eighty Masons and guests attending. The idea of the Masonic Ladies Night is to thank the wives and partners for their help, support and understanding over the past year.

Arenal Deportiva Ladies Night

The current Worshipful Master of the Lodge is the President of the meeting and his Lady is the hostess. This year the President was WM Ian Brown ably assisted by his lovely Lady wife Eileen. The evening started with a cava reception followed by a formal dinner. The MC for the evening was WBro Michael Banks who did a sterling job.

Wonderful music and singing throughout the meal was provided by our very own WBro Ian Henry, a very popular local and international artiste who is always extremely well received. He has the knack of being able to sing and play loudly enough to be heard but never to be intrusive – a rare talent.

Arenal Deportiva Ladies Night

During the meal various toasts were offered including El Rey King Felipe VI. The toast to the Ladies was given by WBro Brian Imber in an exemplary manner. The Ladies song was then sung by Ian Henry before the hostess, Mrs Eileen Brown, responded to the toast with a very good speech of her own.

After the dinner, yet more entertainment was provided by Matt Mason, another very talented performer who increased the tempo a little to allow some more energetic after dinner dancing. Again, a very popular entertainer. A grand raffle was also held for charity raising an excellent six hundred euros. This will be donated to El Preventorio children’s home in Gandia at a later date along with other money raised throughout the year.

It is the privilege of the incumbent Worshipful Master to choose the charity the Lodge will support during his year in office and he has chosen El Preventorio for this year. This continues a pattern set over the last few years to help this very worthy charity as Arenal Deportiva have now supported them for more than four years. They are always extremely grateful for our support.

If you feel able to support El Preventorio, they always need children’s clothing, food, toys, books (Spanish) and cleaning and toiletry requisites which can be delivered to the home at almost any time during the day.

If you would like more information on the work of the Freemasons, or might have an interest in joining, please contact me on the email address given below., WBro William G Turney