Bridging the gap at U3A

Bridging the gap at U3A
Bridging the gap at U3A

The officers and committee of the Torrevieja U3A wishes to advise all of its existing members, and any other interested persons, that a group that was unofficially formed within the Torrevieja U3a Bridge section calling itself “Torrevieja Bridge Club” has severed all connections with the Torrevieja U3a and is no longer associated in any way with the Torrevieja U3A.

This particular club used to meet on Wednesdays and Sundays and should not be confused with other Torrevieja U3A bridge sections that run on Mondays and Tuesdays, These other sections are completely unaffected by this situation and continue to run normally.

Torrevieja U3A is now actively engaged in looking for new Group Leaders to help create a new Bridge Section and will welcome all comers. The only stipulations being that the applicants must be either existing, or new, members of the Torrevieja U3A and that they will run the section in accordance with laid down U3A guidelines.

Members of the “Torrevieja Bridge Club” that are also members of the Torrevieja U3A are still welcome to take part in all other activities organised by Torrrevieja U3A.

The committee regret that they will be unable to assist any members of the “Torrevieja Bridge Club” in pursuing any issue that they may have with the Torrevieja Bridge Club leadership.