Compound found in broccoli may hold the key in therapy for mesothelioma cancer

Compound found in broccoli may hold the key in therapy for mesothelioma cancer
Compound found in broccoli may hold the key in therapy for mesothelioma cancer

Fruits, vegetables, and other edible plants such as onions, grapes, and certain types of cucumber have often been praised for the nutrients they contain which have been shown to prevent cancer from developing. And now researchers are looking at broccoli to find out if it can be effective in improving the benefits of cisplatin in malignant mesothelioma cells.

Broccoli, cauliflower, and cruciferous vegetables are nutrient dense and fibre rich. They contain a high concentrate of anti-oxidents and phytochemicals which have been shown to prevent the development of cancer. Cruciferous vegetables are also high in glucosinolates which have also been shown to stop the development of cancer and induce cell death.

A compound derived from glucoraphanin, Sulforaphane, is currently being researched at Soonchunhyan University in Korea to determine if combining it with cisplatin would help fight mesothelioma. Cisplatin is usually administered at the beginning of a course of chemotherapy to prevent a tumor from growing or at the end of a course of chemotherapy to help prevent progression of the disease.

Researchers have found that combining the two compounds helped to kill off some cancer cells and halt growth of mesothelioma. In addition, when combined with another component that inhibited autophagy, the ability to kill cells was increased.

By limiting the resistance of cancer cells to chemotherapy there is a greater chance of survival from mesothelioma.

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