Organisers claimed almost 20,000 people supported the march

Many thousands of people paraded through the streets of Alicante on Saturday afternoon in celebration of sexual diversity and LGTBI Pride

The march was the culmination of a series of commemorative events held throughout the week in the city, which have served to influence the demand for sexual equality and to denounce the cases of hatred and discrimination that continue to occur throughout the world.

Diversitat, the group that organised the event, claimed there were 20,000 people in attendance although the Local Police said the figure was closer to 5,500.

The demonstration was attended by the vice president of the Generalitat, Monica Oltra , while the City Council was represented by all political groups except the PP.

 Miguel Ángel Pavón (Guanyar), Eva Montesinos (PSOE), Natxo Bellido (Compromis) and Yaneth Giraldo (Compromís) accompanied Monica Oltra and the Secretary General of Diversitat, Toño Abad, following the banner “Lliberty, Equality and dignity.

There were also many other political and social organizations in attendance including the Rector of the University of Alicante.

At the end of the parade in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento a statement was read, in which demanded that the government draw up a state law making discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity illegal.

The event culminated with the gathering joining together to sing the pop song “A quién le importa”, which is now accepted in Spain as the LBGT anthem.