David rises from the swamp to take sixth place

David rises from the swamp to take sixth place

As many of the Warblers were on their way to Jerez for the annual tour we had a smaller turnout for a stableford competition at Oliva Nova, sponsored by David Brown.

We welcomed two guest, Brian Russell and Mike Preston

Gorgeous weather again and the course in good condition. Our sponsor came in with best score of 37 points but decided not to claim his own prize! So, in first place with 33 points was Malcolm Monti on count back from Fred Cooley also on 33 points and second. Third place went to Glynn Braidley, 32 points, fourth David Knight 31 points, fifth Peter Gibson 29 points on count back from David Edwards in sixth place.

Nearest the pins on holes 3 and 16 were both won by shot eye Glynn Braidley.

The highlight of the day occurred on the par 3 6th hole. David Edwards was searching for his ball close to the barranca in front of the green, not realising his golf trolley was still switched on and deciding it needed a bath.  

It slowly ran into the muddy water followed by David trying to rescue it. It was eventually retracted with its wheels still rotating and amazingly got David round the rest of the course, keeping a good distance from his playing partners, as he stank! Not so fortunate for David as his phone was also in the trolley along with his wallet.  Both soaked and phone not working.

Next week , 25 October, we are at Bonalba for the Kellaway Plate. 9am meet for 9.44 start.

Guests are welcome subject to space availability and Current Handicap certificate. To book, please contact Sheila Dindar on golflady17@yahoo.co.uk. or phone 638351535.